Introduction Although Italy's NHS is funded through general taxation, the private sector plays an important role in health service provision and financing. The aim of this paper was to identify the sociodemographic and health service organizational factors associated with the propensity to seek specialist care in the private sector. Materials and methods Data were retrieved from the national Istat survey "Health conditions and use of health services" carried out in 2012-2013. We selected adults with a specialty visit in the previous 12 months in the four most frequent medical specialties: ophthalmology, cardiology, obstetrics/ gynecology and orthopedics. The study outcome was the choice to use a private service. In order to investigate the determinants of private use, we adopted the socio-behavioral model by Andersen and Newman, making a distinction between sociodemographic and healthcare organizational factors. The associations with the outcome were analyzed using chi-squared test, t-test and multivariable logistic regression analysis. Results and discussion Use of private care varied widely, from 26.3% for cardiology to 53.6% for obstetrics/gynecology. Females, patients with higher educational levels and patients with higher self-reported economic resources sought more frequently private healthcare for all specialties; younger patients and employed patients were more likely to seek private care for ophthalmic conditions. Exemption from copayment for public services reduced more than half the propensity to seek private care. Trust in this healthcare service was the main reason for private users (52.5%) followed by waiting time (26.7%) and physician choice (20.1%).