This study estimates the returns to education while
controlling endogeneity and sample selection biases in Pakistan, over a
time period using Ordinary Least Square (OLS), simultaneous approach
using both Heckman Sample Selection and Instrumental Variable, and Fixed
Effect techniques. Household Integrated Economic Survey (HIES) data for
2004-05 and 2011-12 time periods have been used in this study. The
returns to education have been found downward biased in OLS estimates
for both time periods. The unbiased real returns to education have
increased on average for wage workers over time period. Landholding and
Non-earned income have been used as exclusion restrictions to control
for sample selection bias in the Heckman Sample Selection technique. The
endogeneity bias has been controlled for with the help of parental
education as instrument in Instrumental Variable technique. Both
techniques have also been used collectively or simultaneously to get
more efficient estimate in simultaneous approach. Household Fixed Effect
technique has also been used with the assumption that ability and family
characteristics largely remain same within family or household. The
increase in the unbiased and real returns to education shows that
profitability still exists in investing in education whereas experience
via skill enhancement reinforces this rise in wage. Sadly, the historic
gender and regional discriminations persist or aggravate in wage market.
Married persons are getting more in returns relative to the unmarried
individuals. Having negative implications for income inequality,
Convexity in education-earning relationship in Pakistan has been
confirmed by Indicator Function technique for both time periods. Low
education prompt low-earning workers who would be unable to bear the
schooling cost of their children. This seriously inhibits earning
potential making income inequality worse. JEL Classification: I26, I24,
J24 Keywords: Returns to Education, Human Capital