Our study analyzed the nature of the effect of governance mechanisms such as the ownership structure on the relationship between accounting conservatism and company's performance. We try to identify the moderating effect of this mechanism.In this sense, we seek to answer the following question: What is the contribution of ownership structure to the relationship between accounting conservatism and the company's performance which is measured by the return on equity?Several authors showed that the relevance of the accounting results depend on the effectiveness of the governance mechanisms in place [13][14][15]. Taking account of the moderating effect of ownership as a mechanism of governance structure is, in our opinion, an enrichment for the existing literature.The remainder of the paper is structured as follows: we begin with a brief survey of the empirical literature. The description of the sample data and variables as well as the presentation and discusses of our empirical findings will be figured in a next part.
Literature Review and Hypothesis DevelopmentThe literature review identifies the accounting result as an important indicator of performance measurement. The finding of the aggressiveness of the accounts and the decrease of the response factors of the benefits demonstrated by several authors pushed researchers to wonder about the relevance of the accounting figures [16,17].Regarding the information quality in the financial statements, any business has an interest in ensuring the quality of its information Keywords: Ownership structure; Moderating effect; Accounting conservatism; Accounting performance
IntroductionThe impact issue of the accounting information quality on performance has been the subject of several theoretical and empirical controversies. Several new empirical approaches have emerged gradually in order to make attempts at answers to the observed theoretical and methodological limitations [1][2][3].The 2000's crisis outbreak led to a questioning of the accounting information credibility and of its relevance for investors. It was followed by multiple reforms with the main objective is to strengthen the security of the transactions. The origin of this crisis is found in the previous economic and financial literature which has always praised the benefits of the market, its free functioning and its ability to recover its state of equilibrium with spontaneity. However, confidence in the market self-regulatory mechanisms is shaking when crises occur and we begin to think about the governmental or legislative action to restore the imbalance born of the inefficient operation or imperfect markets [4]. This crisis has particularly highlighted the failure of governance models.Following this crisis, several codes were established to ensure quality financial information and serve as a basis for the mitigation of the agency conflicts between the companies and the various stakeholders. The adoption of new regulations for governance promotes the development of a new wave of research focusing exclusively o...