Nepal, which lies between 260 and 300°N and 800 and 880°E longitude, consists of various climatic zones ranging from southern terai, whose annual rainfall ranges from 8 to 535 mm, to high Himalayan, where annual rainfall is maximum up to 2,185mm. As a 10% canopy cover, the forest is one of the essential resources on which millions of urban people depend. Hence, the government must promote sustainable use of forest resources through scientific principles and policies to meet the needs of the increasing population. Nepal conducted various activities like the first national forestry plan in 1976 A.D. and in 1988, master plan of forestry sector got started. Also, it conducted various other national workshops in 2015, which consisted of silviculture – based sustainable forest management. Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation and the National Planning Commission collaboratively changed the policies and improved forest resources. Changing from traditional practices to modern strategies, Nepal emphasizes frequent changes in its policies on community-based forests, and various donor organizations support the forest industry through financial and technical support. The forest department, established in 1942, generated the National Forest policy 2017, emphasizing equitable forest resource allocation. A focus on good governance should be placed, including making current strategies for environmentally friendly forest management practices at the local level more efficient and goal oriented.