Summary: Flecainide acetate is a new class lc antiarrhythmic drug. It slows conduction in the working myocardium and the specialized conduction system and may depress sinus node activity in patients with pre-existing sinus node disease. Its hernodynamic effects are minimal. The drug is completely absorbed and shows a half-life of 7-22 hours. Elimination is mainly through the kidneys. Flecainide is highly effective in the treatment of ventricular arrhythmias, pre-excitation syndromes and AV reentry tachycardias. Side effects axe mild and consist mostly of dizziness, visual disturbances, and nervousness. They rarely require discontinuation of therapy. Proarrhythmic effects have been reported. Caution is required in patients with congestive heart failure, AV block, and/or bundlebranch block or sinus node dysfunction.