Abstract. In this study, we develop a watershed zonation approach for characterizing watershed organization and function in a tractable manner by integrating multiple spatial data layers. Recognizing the coupled ecohydrogeological-biogeochemical interactions that occur across bedrock through canopy compartments of a watershed, we hypothesize that (1) suites of above/belowground properties co-varying with each other, (2) hillslopes are representative units for capturing watershed-scale heterogeneity, (3) remote sensing data layers and clustering methods can be used to identify watershed hillslope zones having unique distributions of bedrock-through-canopy properties relative to neighboring parcels, and (4) property suites associated with the identified zones can be used to understand zone-based functions, such as response to early snowmelt or drought, and associated solute exports to the river. We demonstrate this concept using unsupervised clustering methods that synthesizes airborne remote sensing data (LiDAR, hyperspectral, and electromagnetic surveys) along with satellite and streamflow data collected in the East River Watershed, Crested Butte, Colorado, USA. Results show that, (1) hillslope-average elevation and slope are significantly correlated with near-surface bedrock electrical resistivity (top 20 m), (2) elevation and aspect are independent controls on plant and snow signatures, (3) the correlation between hillslope-averaged above- and below- ground properties are significantly higher than pixel-by-pixel correlation and (4) K-means, hierarchical clustering, and Gaussian mixture clustering methods generate similar zonation patterns across the watershed. Using independently collected data, it is shown that the identified zones provide information about zone-based watershed functions, including foresummer drought sensitivity and river nitrogen exports. The approach is expected to be extensible to other sites and generally useful for guiding the selection of hillslope experiment locations and informing model parameterization.