in this paper i present an argument for a rational norm involving quantificational credences. To support this norm, i prove a result called a Dutch Book Theorem. in order to prove the result, i introduce the novel concept of a quantificational bet. i also undertake a discussion of Dutch Book Theorems in general and remark on the similarities and differences between the Dutch Book Theorem for quantificational credences and Dutch Book Theorems for norms on ordinary and conditional credences. Overall, the discussion of the norm on quantificational credences gives us a fuller picture of the normative landscape of credal states.
IntroductionThis paper's focus is a rational norm involving a kind of credal attitude called a quantificational credence 1 -the kind of attitude we can report by saying that Lucy thinks that each record in Schroeder's collection is 5% likely to be scratched. i prove a result called a Dutch Book Theorem, which constitutes conditional support for the norm. Though Dutch Book Theorems exist for norms on ordinary and conditional credences, there is controversy about the epistemic significance of these results. So, my conclusion is that if Dutch Book Theorems do, in general, support norms on credal states, then we have support for the suggested norm on quantificational credences. Providing conditional support for this norm gives us a fuller picture of the normative landscape of credal states.There is another important upshot of my result. it gives us a better picture of the ways in which quantificational credences are similar to and distinct from widely accepted credal attitudes -ordinary and conditional credences. On one hand, featuring in a Dutch Book Theorem is an interesting point in common between quantificational credences and these more standard credal attitudes. On 1. Quantificational credences were first discussed in Lennertz (2015).