Using ground-state and relative-entropy based inverse design strategies, isotropic interactions with an attractive well are determined to stabilize and promote assembly of particles into two-dimensional square, honeycomb, and kagome lattices. The design rules inferred from these results are discussed and validated in the discovery of interactions that favor assembly of the highly open truncated-square and truncated-hexagonal lattices.
I. INTRODUCTIONThe manufacture of functional materials with specific nanoscale structural features presents considerable scientific and engineering challenges. While top-down fabrication approaches (e.g., lithography) have been advanced to address such challenges, they are often too expensive or time consuming for adoption in industrial manufacturing applications. [1][2][3] Bottom-up approaches such as self-assembly, on the other hand, stand as promising alternatives in which material building blocks (nanoparticles, block copolymers, etc.) might be designed-through modification of their effective mutual interactions 4-7 -to spontaneously self-organize into a state that exhibits the desired microstructural features. [8][9][10][11] To determine which interactions stabilize a desired self-assembled structure, a design strategy is needed. Traditional 'forward' approaches discover promising material combinations through screens (i.e., combinatorial searches) or more limited testing of candidate systems judiciously chosen based on physical intuition. Alternatively, 'inverse' design strategies provide a more direct means for discovering interactions suitable for stabilizing the target structure, typically via solution of a constrained optimization problem. [12][13][14][15] A classic example of an inverse design problem for materials is the discovery of an isotropic pair potential φ(r; {α}) between particles that stabilizes a specified crystalline lattice arrangement as the ground state (GS). Here, r is the distance between particle centers and {α} is the set of optimizable parameters that, along with the specified functional form, define the pair potential. Researchers have developed robust inverse design strategies that have been applied to discover isotropic interactions that stabilize a variety of open structures in two and three dimensions under various constraints (including honeycomb [16][17][18][19] , kagome [20][21][22] , simple cubic 19,23 , and diamond 23-25 lattices, to mention a few). Recently, a reformulation of this type of GS optimization problem was introduced 26 which significantly improved performance and allowed for (1) exploration of how design goals affect trade offs for the target phase (e.g., thermal versus volumetric stability 26 ) and (2) discovery of interactions that stabilize very challenging target structures (e.g., snub square 27 , truncated square and truncated hexagonal 28 lattices). An advantage of GS-focused optimization is that, because it requires the a priori identification of structures that most closely compete with the target lattice, it can offer in...