Keywords: 4D-QSAR · Machine learning · Molecular similarity · Boltzmann distribution · Gaussian mixture model 3D-QSAR methods have, in comparison to 2D-QSAR approaches, an additional dimension as a source of information. This extra dimension can be seen as both a curse and a blessing. Based on the quality of the geometrical information, this additional information source can either provide valuable data or introduce undesirable noise to the final model. As a consequence, the conformational space of molecules was integrated as a fourth dimension and yielded several extensions of traditional 3D-QSAR approaches like CoMFA [1] or GRIND.[2]In a recently published paper, [3] we introduced a 4D kernel function that additionally applies the information of the conformational ensembles of molecules in order to cut the dependency on biologically active conformations. The results demonstrated that this approach is able to create more robust models in comparison to the solely 3D-based approach on minimized conformations. However, further investigations and tests revealed two main limitations of the 4D kernel function.The aim of this communication is twofold. First, we want to present the modifications and new developments of the 4D kernel function that fix, or rather reduce, the impact of those limitations. Second, QSAR results of nine different benchmark data sets are compared to the previous version as well as to literature results. Furthermore, the complete source code will be publicly available on our department web site 4DFAP/.4D Flexible Atom-Pair Kernel. To clarify the limitations of the previous version, we recapitulate the functionality of the 4D flexible atom-pair kernel (4D FAP). For a detailed explanation of the approach we refer to our previous publication.[3]The aim of the 4D FAP is to incorporate the complete conformational space of molecules into pair-wise similarity calculations as used in instance-based machine learning methods such as support vector machines. For this purpose, we developed a conformational space encoding that enables the 4D FAP to compute similarity values that are based on an implicit comparison of the complete conformational space. Our approach can be subdivided into two disjoint steps: A preprocessing step that computes the encoding of the conformational space and the actual similarity calculation based on the encoding of the preprocessing.The conformational space encoding is based on intramolecular atom-pair (AP) distances as visualized in Figure 1. Given a series of conformers that represent the conformational space of a molecule M, the approach measures for all APs the distance in each conformation of the given molecule. This step results in [ j M j (j M j -1)]/2 AP distance profiles (histograms of Figures 3, 4, and 5), where j M j is the number of heavy atoms of the molecule M. An AP distance profile contains one distance value per conformer and represents the distance behavior in the conformational space. AP distance profiles within rigid ...