Characterization and performance of a field aligned ion cyclotron range of frequency antenna in Alcator C-Moda) Phys. Plasmas 20, 056117 (2013); 10.1063/1.4803882Compressional Alfvén and ion-ion hybrid modes in the deuterium-tritium plasma of a spherical tokamak power plant Phys.Probe wave system for studying excitation of Alfvén eigenmodes in the ion cyclotron range of frequency Rev. Sci. Instrum. 72, 398 (2001);A wide-band radio-frequency ͑rf͒ probe system was constructed for the active diagnostic of the eigenmode formations in the ion-cyclotron range of frequency ͑ICRF͒ in GAMMA10. An antenna was installed in the peripheral region in the central cell. The low power rf pulse with the frequency sweep is applied to the antenna. The waves excited in the plasma are detected with a magnetic probe. The excitation of eigenmodes is described by using the antenna-plasma-probe transfer function. The transfer function can be obtained from the antenna current signal and the magnetic probe signal. When the real and imaginary parts of the transfer function are plotted on the complex plane, the resultant curves are approximately circular, indicating an eigenmode formation. The results of the measurement show that several eigenmodes can be excited in the present experimental condition.