Supported subnano cluster catalysts are highly dynamic, developing true active sites only under the high pressures and temperatures of reaction conditions. Operando X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) can track changes in oxidation state and local environment of cluster atoms, providing insight into the development of these active sites. While bulk metal, oxide, and hydroxide standards are often used while fitting experimental XANES spectra to obtain average oxidation states, we recently showed that computed cluster standards of relevant compositions are a more suitable basis, producing a more accurate fit. Here we address the experimental operando XANES of supported Cu 3 Pd and Cu 4 clusters during temperature programmed reaction (TPRx) of oxidative dehydrogenation of propane. To fit these XANES, we use an expanded basis set including both globally optimized computed clusters and bulk standards. Not only can we track reversible composition/oxidation state change with temperature, (reduction upon heating, oxidation upon cooling), but also the irreversible growth of the bulk fraction upon heating. We attribute this to sintering of the copper(-palladium) clusters. This has important implications for the mechanism of the catalyzed reaction and the nature of the available active sites. We propose that operando XANES provides the most insight into the nature of supported cluster catalysts in reaction conditions when interpreted using mixed computed cluster and bulk standards.
4and experimental GISAXS, or through analysis of EXAFS, 9 here we show that, through fitting of the experimental spectra with both bulk and cluster standards, we can track the growth of the bulk fraction as well as the changes in composition/oxidation state as the temperature changes.
MethodsCu 3 PdO x (x=2-5) and Cu 3 PdO y (OH) 2 (y=1,2) cluster structures were obtained via global optimization using the in-house PGOPT code. 29 This code uses the Vienna Ab Initio Simulation Package 30-32 to perform the DFT local optimizations, using a plane-wave basis set, the projector-augmented wave method 33 and the PBE functional. 34 The geometry optimization was performed with a plane-wave kinetic energy cutoff of 400 eV, and a convergence criteria of 10e-5 (10e-6) eV for the ionic (electronic) steps.Gaussian smearing with a width of sigma=0.1 eV was used. In order to better model copper, we used DFT+U, 35 with the U value of 7 eV, as benchmarked in a previous paper. 36 The surface used was a partially hydroxylated amorphous Al 2 O 3 that was optimized during a previous study.