bEntry and exit from dormancy are essential survival mechanisms utilized by microorganisms to cope with harsh environments. Many bacteria, including the opportunistic human pathogen Vibrio vulnificus, enter a form of dormancy known as the viable but nonculturable (VBNC) state. VBNC cells can resuscitate when suitable conditions arise, yet the molecular mechanisms facilitating resuscitation in most bacteria are not well understood. We discovered that bacterial cell-free supernatants (CFS) can awaken preexisting dormant vibrio populations within oysters and seawater, while CFS from a quorum sensing mutant was unable to produce the same resuscitative effect. Furthermore, the quorum sensing autoinducer AI-2 could induce resuscitation of VBNC V. vulnificus in vitro, and VBNC cells of a mutant unable to produce AI-2 were unable to resuscitate unless the cultures were supplemented with exogenous AI-2. The quorum sensing inhibitor cinnamaldehyde delayed the resuscitation of wild-type VBNC cells, confirming the importance of quorum sensing in resuscitation. By monitoring AI-2 production by VBNC cultures over time, we found quorum sensing signaling to be critical for the natural resuscitation process. This study provides new insights into the molecular mechanisms stimulating VBNC cell exit from dormancy, which has significant implications for microbial ecology and public health.