In a heterogeneous wireless environment, one of the important aspects of seamless communicat ion for ubiquitous computing is the dynamic selection of the best access network. The problem of access network selection has been addressed through various decision methods based on available network information. Available lin k bandwidth is one of the important in formation parameters, which can be used as criterion for network selection. In this paper, we consider available bandwidth as a dynamic parameter to select the network in heterogeneous environment. First, we propose a bootstrap approximat ion based technique to estimate available bandwidth and then utilize it for the selection of the best suitable network in the heterogeneous environment consisting of 2G and 3G standards based wireless networks. The proposed algorith m is imp lemented in temporal and spatial domains to check its robustness. Estimation time with varying size o f files is used as the performance met ric. Through numerical results, it is shown that the proposed algorith m gives imp roved performance as co mpared to the existing algorithm.