We discuss a third-generation specific axionlike particle (ALP) with minimum flavor violation (MFV), focusing on the tau-lepton flavor violation (LFV). The ALP is tau-philic on a currenteigenstate basis, a la Pecci-Quinn, and also couples to muon and electron in a right-handed specific manner as a consequence of the MFV arising from the right-handed flavor rotation within the standard model (SM). Several LFV processes are generated including radiative tau decays and also anomalous magnetic moments of electron and muon. We first pay attention to two separated limits: electron scenario with the ALP coupled to tau which mixes only with right-handed electron, and muon scenario as the muonic counterpart of the electron scenario. It turns out that those scenarios are highly constrained by existing experimental limits from the LFV processes and (g − 2)s, to require emergence of a flavor symmetry for the ALP like U (1)e−τ or U (1)µ−τ . We then explore a hybrid scenario combining the two separated scenarios, and find a fully viable parameter space on the ALP mass-photon coupling plane, which limits the ALP mass to be around (1.7 − 8) GeV and the ALP decay constant fa to be (10 -50) GeV. Discrimination of the present ALP from other light LFV particles are also discussed. We find that the polarization asymmetry in LFV radiative τ decay is a smoking-gun, which definitely predicts preference of the right-handed polarization due to the MFV, in sharp contrast to the SM prediction with the highly left-handed preference, and also other light-new physics candidates with the same mass scale as the present ALP. Possible model-building to underlie the present third-generation specific ALP is also briefly addressed.