We compute the inclusive cross-section of f 2 tensor mesons production in protonproton collisions at high-energy. We use an effective theory inspired from the tensor meson dominance hypothesis that couples gluons to f 2 mesons. We compute the differential cross-section in the k ⊥ -factorization and in the Color Glass Condensate formalism in the low density regime. We show that the two formalisms are equivalent for this specific observable. Finally, we study the phenomenology of f 2 mesons by comparing theoretical predictions of different parameterizations of the unintegrated gluon distribution function. We find that f 2 -meson production is another observable that can be used to put constraints on these distributions.
I. INTRODUCTIONHigh energy hadronic collisions are complex phenomena that combine many-particles physics and Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). Making predictions for the production of particles in these reactions involves the understanding of both hadron wave-function and processes of particle creation. Many advances have been made in the last decades in those fields through the application of perturbative QCD (pQCD) to the description of experimental data. The pQCD analysis relies generally on factorization schemes like Collinear Factorization and k ⊥ -factorization. Different procedures are implemented in these approaches to improve the perturbation expansion by resumming infrared divergences. Many observables are well-described by QCD factorizations. For example, k ⊥ -factorization was used successfully in proton-antiproton collisions for heavy-quarks production [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] while collinear factorization is one of the main computational tool for deep inelastic scattering and for a number of other applications [10,11]. The main difference between the two formalisms is their validity range.