127 Inuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) spectroscopyisestablished as arapid and robust method to indicate the formation of iodine-nitrogen halogen bonds in co-crystalline powders.O nce the relevant spectral frequency range has been established, diagnostic 127 INQR spectra can be acquired in seconds.The method is demonstrated for aseries of co-crystals of 1,4-diiodobenzene.C hanges in the 127 Iq uadrupolar coupling constant (C Q )byupto74.4 MHz correlate with the length of the CÀId onor covalent bond and inversely with the I···N halogen-bond length. The predictive power of this technique is validated on two previously unknown co-crystalline powders prepared mechanochemically.S ingle-crystal growth via cosublimation and structure determination by single-crystal Xray diffraction cross-validates the findings.N atural localized molecular-orbital analyses provide insight into the origins of the quadrupolar coupling constants.Theauthors declare no conflict of interest.Keywords: co-crystals ·c rystallography ·h alogen bonding · mechanochemistry ·n uclear quadrupole resonance · solid-state NMR Figure 5. DFT-calculated natural localized molecular-orbital (NLMO) contributionst oV 33 (black triangles) as afunction of the normalized distance parameter, R XB ,including the absolute contributionsfrom the lone-pair orbitals (green diamonds), the CÀXb onding orbital (blue circles), and the core orbitals (purple squares)f or chlorine, bromine, and iodine in the CÀX···N halogen-bonding motif in haloperfluorobenzene interacting with pyridine. The total percentage changes over the ranges shown are also given.