The F 0 F 1 -ATP synthase couples the functions of H ؉ transport and ATP synthesis/hydrolysis through the efficient transmission of energy mediated by rotation of the centrally located ␥, ⑀, and c subunits. To understand the ␥ subunit role in the catalytic mechanism, we previously determined the partial rate constants and devised a minimal kinetic model for the rotational hydrolytic mode of the F 1 -ATPase enzyme that uniquely fits the pre-steady state and steady state data (Baylis Scanlon, J. A., Al-Shawi, M. K., Le, N. P., and Nakamoto, R. K. (2007) Biochemistry 46, 8785-8797). Here we directly test the model using two single cysteine mutants, D380C and E381C, which can be used to reversibly inhibit rotation upon formation of a cross-link with the conserved ␥Cys-87. In the pre-steady state, the ␥- cross-linked enzyme at high Mg⅐ATP conditions retained the burst of hydrolysis but was not able to release P i . These data show that the rate-limiting rotation step, k ␥ , occurs after hydrolysis and before P i release. This analysis provides additional insights into how the enzyme achieves efficient coupling and implicates the Glu-381 residue for proper formation of the rate-limiting transition state involving ␥ subunit rotation.