Despite an intense research effort, the physical mechanism underlying the formation of a quasi-two-dimensional electron gas at the interface between the band insulators LaAlO 3 and SrTiO 3 is still not fully understood. Interfacesensitive optical second-harmonic spectroscopy can shed light on this mechanism, by accessing specific information on the orbital and structural reconstruction taking place at the interface that is not accessible by other techniques, and in particular by transport measurements. Here we present a detailed theoretical analysis of the spectral transitions that are most relevant in the second-order nonlinear optical response of oxide interfaces with a square symmetry, in general. In particular, we discuss the case of LaAlO 3 ∕SrTiO 3 interfaces, using symmetry arguments to derive specific selection rules, which have strong consequences on the second-harmonic spectra recorded with different input/output polarization combinations of light. These selection rules may in particular explain recent experimental findings.