The diphoton invariant mass distribution of interference between gg → H → γγ and gg → γγ is almost antisymmetric around the Higgs mass MH . We propose a new observable Aint to quantify this effect, which is a ratio of a sign-reversed integral around MH ( e.g.and the cross section of the Higgs signal. We study Aint both in Standard Model (SM) and new physics with various CP -violating Hγγ couplings. The Aint in SM could reach a value of 10%, while for CP -violating Hγγ couplings Aint could range from 10% to −10%, which is probable to be detected in HL-LHC experiment. The Aint with both CP -violating Hγγ and Hgg couplings are also studied and its value range is further extended. contribution to the total cross section, but could distort the signal lineshape, and shift the resonance mass peak by ∼ 150 MeV [30,33]. Besides, a variable A i is proposed [36,37] to quantify the interference effect in a sophisticated way, which defines a sign-reversed integral around M H (e.g.