This is a corrigendum for the paper under the title above and whose reference is Garcia de Andrade (2001 Class. Quantum Grav. 18 3907). In this paper, a wrong formula (44) between the proportionality between the magnetic field of a spin-polarized cylinder in Einstein-Cartan-Maxwell gravity and the spinpolarized density or Cartan spacetime torsion, is corrected. This correction is shown to produce several interesting physical consequences as that this spinpolarized cylinder produces a primordial magnetic field B ∼ 10 −22 G which is able to seed galactic dynamos. The mistake does not modify the external metric to the string-like configuration. Several important physical consequences may come out from this correction.Keywords: torsion, dynamos, strings, Einstein-Cartan gravity, cosmology Earlier the author published a paper in CQG [1] where spin-polarized cylinders with magnetic fields were used as a tool to test Einstein-Cartan theory of gravitation [2]. Unfortunately, recently we have discovered an important mistake in two formulas which we hereby correct. The importance of this correction is proved through an example on the computation of the primordial magnetic field on this string-like source which is shown to yield a seed magnetic field able to produce galactic magnetic fields from galactic dynamo mechanism [3], as recently discussed by this author [4]. The basic reason for this is the fact that the mistake is exactly in formulas (43) and (44), of that paper, which we repeat here as 0264-9381/14/079501+03$33.00