We i n v estigate Big Bang nucleosynthesis (hereafter, BBN) in a cosmic environment c haracterised by a distribution of small-scale matter{antimatter domains. Production of antimatter domains in a baryo-asymmetric universe is predicted in some electroweak baryogenesis scenarios. We nd that cosmic antimatter domains of size exceeding the neutron-di usion length at temperature T 1 MeV signi cantly a ect the light-element production. Annihilation of antimatter preferentially occurs on neutrons such that antimatter domains may yield a reduction of the 4 He abundance relative to a standard BBN scenario. In the limiting case, all neutrons will be removed before the onset of light-element production, and a universe with net baryon number but without production of light elements results. In general, antimatter domains spoil agreement b e t w een BBN abundance yields and observationally inferred primordial abundances limits which allows us to derive limits on their presence in the early universe. However, if only small amounts of antimatter are present, BBN with low deuterium and low 4 He, as seemingly favored by current observational data, is possible. 26.35.+c,98.80Cq,25.43.+t Big Bang Nucleosynthesis is one of the furthest back{ reaching cosmological probes available. By means of comparing the predicted and observationally inferred light element abundances the cosmic conditions as early as a few seconds after the Big Bang may be scrutinized. Nucleosynthesis has thus been used to constrain, for example, inhomogeneities in the baryon-to-photon ratio or abundances and properties of decaying particles during the BBN era (for reviews on non-standard BBN see [1]).In this Letter we examine the BBN process in a universe where matter and antimatter are segregated. A segregation of matter and antimatter may a ect BBN abundance yields even if the average segregation scale is very small in terms of characteristic astrophysical scales. Such small scales imply annihilation of antimatter well before the present epoch. We are therefore particularly interested in the case where the universe contains net baryon number, as for example, through an excess of matter domains over antimatter domains. A baryo-asymmetric universe lled with a distribution of small-scale matter{ antimatter domains may arise during an epoch of baryogenesis at the electroweak scale. It has been shown within the minimal supersymmetric standard model, and under the assumption of explicit as well as spontaneous CP violation, that during a rst-order electroweak phase transition the baryogenesis process may result in individual bubbles containing either net baryon number, or net antibaryon number [2]. Recently, it has been argued that pre-existing stochastic (hyper)magnetic elds in the early universe, in conjunction with an era of electroweak baryogenesis, may cause the production of regions containing either matter or antimatter [3]. In general, any segregation of matter and antimatter either produced on scales larger than the neutron di usion length at weak freeze...