A quantitative model has been developed for the cooperative oxygenation of human hemoglobin. The model correlates the structural and energetic features of ligandlinked subunit interactions within the tetrameric molecule and the coupling of these interactions to the binding of oxygen and Least squares minimization was used to evaluate from these data the free energies for the various processes. A special feature of the model lies in the synchronization of Bohr proton release with changes in quaternary structure. This leads to the striking prediction that a major fraction (as much as 30%) of tetramers are in the oxy quaternary structure after the first oxygen is bound. The model provides a rationale for the essential features of regulatory energy control, and it defines several kinds of additional information that are needed for a more complete understanding of the hemoglobin mechanism.Cooperative oxygen binding in human hemoglobin is a classic example of the problem of relating structure to function in biological macromolecules. The appeal of hemoglobin as a system in which to study this problem stems in part from the facts that (i) the tetrameric molecule exhibits self-regulation by changing its affinity for oxygen at the four successive binding steps, (ii) structurally the hemoglobin molecule is relatively simple compared with other self-regulating macromolecular assemblies, and (iii) hemoglobin operates essentially as an equilibrium thermodynamic system in vivo, so that the biological processes of interest are purely thermodynamic in character-e.g., the changes in Gibbs free energies of the stepwise binding reactions. The structure-function problem is thus one of relating structural changes to thermodynamic changes and of understanding how these processes are influenced by interactions of the protein with small "regulatory" molecules such as protons, Cl-, C02, and organic phosphates.Much of the necessary structural information regarding the tertiary and quaternary changes that accompany oxygenation has been provided by extensive x-ray crystallographic studies, beginning with the classic work of Perutz and colleagues (1). The crystallographic results (cf. ref. 2) have been supplemented by structural studies in solution by extended x-ray absorption fine structure (3), resonance Raman (4), and NMR (5) spectroscopy.Equally important to an understanding of the cooperative mechanism is a knowledge of the sources and manifestations offree energy change that accompany the functional cycle of oxygenation-deoxygenation. We have carried out an extensive series of studies over the last 10 years aimed at resolving energetic aspects of the hemoglobin mechanism and of correlating the thermodynamic and structural information (cf. refs. 6-15). These studies, and work from other laboratories, have resulted in findings that impose stringent constraints on the nature of interactions responsible for cooperativity. In this paper we present a statistical thermodynamic model that incorporates these recent findings. (For other...