Every residue on a protein can be characterized by its
with water, in lack or in excess, as water is the matrix of biological
systems. Infrared spectroscopy and the implementation of local azidohomoalanine
(AHA) probes allow us to move beyond an ensemble or surface-driven
conceptualization of water behavior and toward a granular, site-specific
picture. In this paper, we examined the role of crowding in modulating
both global and local behavior on the β-hairpin, TrpZip2 using
a combination of Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) spectroscopy,
two-dimensional infrared (2D IR) spectroscopy, and molecular dynamics
simulations. We found that, at the amino acid level, crowding drove
dehydration of both sheet and turn peptide sites as well as free AHA.
However, the subpicosecond dynamics showed highly individualized responses
based on the local environment. Interestingly, while steady-state
FTIR measurements revealed similar responses at the amino-acid level
to hard versus soft crowding (dehydration), we found that PEG and
glucose had opposite stabilizing and destabilizing effects on the
protein secondary structure, emphasizing an important distinction
in understanding the impact of crowding on protein structure as well
as the role of crowding across length scales.