are central to all aspects of nucleic acid behavior,
including their folding, condensation, and binding to other molecules,
and the energetics of these processes are profoundly influenced by
the ion atmosphere that surrounds nucleic acids. Given the highly
complex and dynamic nature of the ion atmosphere, understanding its
properties and effects will require synergy between computational
modeling and experiment. Prior computational models and experiments
suggest that cation occupancy in the ion atmosphere depends on the
size of the cation. However, the computational models have not been
independently tested, and the experimentally observed effects were
small. Here, we evaluate a computational model of ion size effects
by experimentally testing a blind prediction made
from that model, and we present additional experimental results that
extend our understanding of the ion atmosphere. Giambasu et al. developed
and implemented a three-dimensional reference interaction site (3D-RISM)
model for monovalent cations surrounding DNA and RNA helices, and
this model predicts that Na+ would outcompete Cs+ by 1.8–2.1-fold; i.e., with Cs+ in 2-fold excess
of Na+ the ion atmosphere would contain an equal number
of each cation (Nucleic Acids Res.2015, 43, 8405). However, our ion counting experiments
indicate that there is no significant preference for Na+ over Cs+. There is an ∼25% preferential occupancy
of Li+ over larger cations in the ion atmosphere but, counter
to general expectations from existing models, no size dependence for
the other alkali metal ions. Further, we followed the folding of the
P4–P6 RNA and showed that differences in folding with different
alkali metal ions observed at high concentration arise from cation–anion
interactions and not cation size effects. Overall, our results provide
a critical test of a computational prediction, fundamental information
about ion atmosphere properties, and parameters that will aid in the
development of next-generation nucleic acid computational models.