The first chiral macrocyclic tetra-N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) ligand has been synthesized. The macrocycle, prepared in high yield andl arge scale,w as ligatedo ntop alladium and iron to give divalent C 2 -symmetric square planar complexes. Multinuclear NMR and single crystal X-ray diffraction demonstrated that there are two distinct NHCs on each ligand,d ue to the bridging chiral cyclohexane. Oxidationo f the iron(II) complex with trimethylamine N-oxide yielded a bridgingo xo complex.D iazodiphenylmethane reactedwith the iron(II) complex at room temperature to give ap aramag-netic diazoalkane complex;t he same reaction yieldedt he "all carbene" complexa te levated temperature. Electrochemical measurements support the assignment of the "all carbene"c omplex being an alkylidene. Notably,t he diazoalkane complex can be directly transformed into the alkylidene complex, which had not been previously demonstrated on iron. Finally,atest catalytic reactionw ithad iazoalkane on the iron(II) complex does not yield the expected cyclopropane,b ut actually the azine compound.[a] Dr.