This year's physics Nobel prize marks history as the first for geophysics since 1947 when Edward Appleton won it for ionospheric research. Half-shared by statistical physicist Georgio Parisi and half by climate scientists Syukoro Manabe and Klauss Hasselmann, the prize was nominally for "complex systems," yet the two halves of the work were so disparate that at least one of the winners (Manabe) reportedly confessed to never having heard of another (Parisi). Ironically, Parisi's important contribution to multifractals was not even mentioned in the committee's 18 page report (Nobel Committee for Physics, 2021) in spite of its significant atmospheric and climate applications (see below). In addition, nonagenarians Manabe and Hasselmann were honored primarily for work in the 1960s and 1970s-before the Nonlinear revolution and before complexity science even existed. In this commentary, I focus on the climate half of the prize giving a succinct update on complexity applied to geoscience: geocomplexity.Complexity science in general-and geocomplexity in particular-emerged in the wake of the 1980s nonlinear revolution: notably deterministic chaos, fractals, nonlinear waves, self organized criticality and somewhat later, network theory. Complexity physics took shape in the 1990s (see the review, Nicolis & Nicolis, 2012) whereas nonlinear geoscience can be roughly dated from the workshops on Nonlinear VAriability in Geophysics (NVAG 1-4, 1986(NVAG 1-4, -1997, the establishment of the Nonlinear Processes division at the European Geophysical Society (now European Geophysical Union, EGU, 1989), the Nonlinear Geophysics focus group at the American Geophysical Union (AGU, 1997) and in 2009, an AGU session with accompanying geocomplexity workshop (Lovejoy et al., 2009). Recently, a group of AGU and EGU geocomplexity scientists collaborated in the establishment of the ongoing Climate Variability Across-Scales working group of PAGES (