The followin Z SCRATCHPAD conversation for carrying out the Lie Transform computation represents a slight modification of one written by Dr. David Barton, when he was a summer visitor during 1972 at the Watson Research Center.The procedure used fol]ows quite closely the statement of the problem given in [i].(The variablesX and x in [I] are denoted by X and Y, respectively, in the SCRATCHPAD conversation.)The calculation given is for the case of a perturbed harmonic oscillator, with n=4.The computation was carried out on an S/370 Model 168 using the VM/370 Operating System. The total virtual CPU time required for the run, exclusive of ~arb@ze collection time, was 5.32 seconds.Of this total the followin~ breakdown of SCRATCHPAD activity can be given: input translation, .7%; evaluation, 82.3%; two-d]mensiona] output formattln Z and printing, 12.4%: history fl]e activity, 4.6%. Durin Z the run, 3 garbage collections took place which used an additional 1.8 seconds of virtua] CPU time.