Conversion process block diagram 42 8 UPAAs in the conversion process 43 9 Tokai codecontamination-partitioning process 47 10 Tokai plutonium purification process 48 11 UPAAs in the reference small chemical separations facility 51 Shewhart and alarm charts 60 Cusum and alarm charts 61 UDT and alarm charts 62 Three-dimensional space of performance surfaces 64 Cusum performance surfaces for two accounting cases; worst (upper), best (lower) 65 UPAA 1 2-Cusum performance surfaces; Case 1 (upper), Case 2 (lower) 70 UPAA 2~Performance surfaces; Cusum (upper), UDT (lower) 74 UPAA 2-Performance surfaces detection probability difference 75 20 UDT-Cusum detection sensitivities 76 Conversion process area Cusum performance surfaces; Case 1 (upper), Case 2 (lower) 78 22 Small plant performance surfaces; Case 1 (upper), Case 2 (lower) 82 23 Structure of the international safeguards system 84 24 The Bonded Crucial Facility (BCF)