The modern indicators of the performance of business entity are based on an economic conception of profit. It means that alternative costs and risks are taken into account in construction of these indicators. Moreover, the modern indicators would also enable to clearly and digestedly identify the links on each level of management, and therefore to support the value-based management. The one of these modern indicators is Economic Value Added. This indicator has been introduced by Stewart Stern & Co. in the early nineties. As some Czech authors state (e.g. Synek, 2007), domestic alternative of the EVA indicator are the IN indexes which has been developing since the middle of the nineties as overall indexes of company’s financial health especially because the indexes coming from abroad had not a good differentiation ability with regard to specifics of the Czech economic environment. The objective of this article is to define the relations between the values of EVA indicator and the values of the index IN 99 while the analysis is focused on agricultural companies of mixed farming. The authors base their work on differences in constructions of these two indicators and on differences in interpretations of their results. Primarily, basic correlation of values of these indicators has been observed. The calculation of Pearson correlation coefficient has been applied on the set of fifty business entities, and the calculated result of 0.669 shows relatively stronger linear dependence. Consequent test has verified a statistical significance of this dependence. Then in this article, the authors are focused on causations of this dependence which is rather strong in spite of a different logic of these two indicators. Other consequences of overall view on company’s economic performance are discussed in the article as well.