[1] Multiple satellite data sets in conjunction with the Monte Carlo Aerosol-CloudRadiation (MACR) model are employed to determine climatological distributions and radiative impacts of dust plumes over the Pacific, Indian, and Atlantic oceans. Three target regions, namely the Yellow Sea (YS), Arabian Sea (AS), and Saharan Coast (SC), are examined for quantitative comparisons of dust properties and their impacts on climate. Twenty year averaged Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) aerosol optical depth (AOD) data clearly show the peak dust season for the three target regions, March-April-May for YS and June-July-August for AS and SC. Georgia Institute of Technology-Goddard Global Ozone Chemistry Aerosol Radiation and Transport (GOCART) modeled dust AOD fraction and Moderate Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) large-mode AOD ratio are adopted to evaluate the dust fraction estimate. Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment (SAGE) II aerosol extinction coefficient data are used to define the vertical distribution of dust. The elevated dust plumes are detected by subtracting the non-dust-season values from dust season values of SAGE II data, showing extinction peak around $4 km over AS and SC. Over YS, dust plumes are found presenting multilayered structure. The shortwave (SW) forcing of dust, although moderated by the longwave (LW) effect, dominates the net effects (SW + LW) of dust plumes. Under clear-sky (i.e., cloudless) conditions, dust plumes reduce about 5.9 W m À2 , 17.8 W m À2 , and 14.2 W m À2 regional and seasonal mean radiative flux reaching the surface over YS, AS, and SC, respectively. Of the three regions, dust plumes over AS have the largest effect on atmospheric heating owing to a lower single-scattering albedo and the relatively large dust loading. The maximum SW heating occurs over AS with the value around +0.5 K/day inside the dust layer at $4 km. The LW effect results in strong cooling throughout the dust layer and moderate heating below the dust layer, and dust plumes over SC exert the maximum LW effect on heating rates, with up to À0.5 K/day LW cooling in the free troposphere and about +0.3 K/day warming in the boundary layer. As the sum of the SW and the LW heating rates, net heating rate shows a more complex pattern. Over SC, large LW cooling inside the dust layer offsets up to 80% SW heating and results in about À0.1 K/day net heating rate change at the height $5 km over SC. Over AS the net heating rate change is dominated by SW heating because the maximum LW cooling is less than 60% of the SW heating, which leads to +0.3 K/day net heating inside the dust layer and moderate heating below the dust base. The net heating rate change over YS is the smallest among the three regions, with magnitude within 0.1 K/day.