Zemlin, A. I., Matveeva, M. A., Gots, E. V. Current problems of minimising risks arising from the use of unmanned vehicles in a metropolis: system and legal analysis: Monograph [Aktualnie problemy minimizatsii riskov, voznikayushchikh v svyazi s ispolzovaniem bespilotnykh avtomobilei v usloviyakh megapolisa: sistemno-pravovoi analiz: Monografiya]. Moscow, KnoRus publ., 2023, 190 p. ISBN 978-5-406-12803-9.The article is a review of the monograph “Current problems of minimising risks arising from the use of unmanned vehicles in a metropolis: system and legal analysis”, prepared by academic staff of Russian University of Transport. The relevance of the topics included in the content of the monograph, the breadth of their coverage allows solving several tasks. In particular, the tools of historical-legal, comparative-legal and system-legal approaches facilitate the analysis and comprehension of the concepts of risk-based approach in the interests of monitoring, visualisation and development of management decisions to minimise threats in the context of various types of activities. The review especially emphasises the significance of the proposals formulated based on the results of the study, the implementation of which will minimise, through the integrated use of legal instruments, the risks of operating unmanned vehicles on public roads, which is important for ensuring the efficiency and safety of their operation, in the context of the development needs of the Russian economy, the achievement of national goals and strategic positioning of the Russian Federation in the modern world.