A tetraploid (2n = 28) clone of Fragaria from SW Finland is described. The clone is true‐breeding with respect to tetraploidy. The tetraploid strawberry shows RFLP similarity with F. vesca, a common species, and, to a lesser extent, with F. viridis, a southern species, whose nearest reported occurrence was about 80 km away during the 1940s. The following alternatives are considered as possible reasons for the tetraploidy: unreduced gametes in an interspecific hybrid or hybrid derivative; hybridization followed by induction of tetraploidy either by viruses, or by industrial pollutants, e.g. chlorophenols and their congener compounds in the soil. The original seed might also have been brought from abroad unintentionally with other seeds for field trials which have been conducted since 1928 in the vicinity. A hexaploid (F. moschata)× diploid hybrid leads directly to tetraploidy and a tetraploid derivative from an octoploid (F. ×ananassa) × diploid hybridization can be obtained but the current tetraploid has different morphology.