Publications of the IAEA, ICRP, the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2018 No. 585 “On the Approval of the Basic Principles of State Policy of the Russian Federation in the Field of Nuclear and Radiation Safety until 2025 and beyond” emphasize the increasing role of public in decision-making in the use of ionizing radiation. Sociological research is a part of the preparatory stage in the organization of interaction with stakeholders. During that stage, the participants in the information interaction (stakeholders) have an opportunity to study each other’s attitudes, so that the interaction is as constructive as possible. Sociological studies allow to determine the positions of stakeholders on the subject of risk communication at the initial stage of the process, in the implementation of decisions and in assessing the effectiveness of risk communication. The basis of the sociological study is the program. In forming a sociological research program, it is necessary to pre-identify important factors that can influence the attitude to a particular management decision of different stakeholders. The main purpose of the sociological research is to study the range of opinions and features of perception of the planned management decision by various participants in the process of risk communication. In assessing sociological research, one of the main tasks is to determine the nature of possible contradictions in the positions of the stakeholders, which largely determines the willingness of the interested parties to dialogue. In the consensus risk communication, the results of sociological research are useful in the formation of three sections of information materials: general information about the event, benefit assessment, and threat assessment.