2 Chaos Software 3 Chaos Czech a. s.Figure 1: A photograph of wing mirror (left) with pronounced glint from metallic flakes that served as an inspiration for our wing mirror scene (middle). The metallic flakes are modelled with a 2K normal map with flakes sampled from a GTR distribution (GTR gamma = 1.5, GTR alpha = 0.002) [Bur12]. Additionally, the roughness of the flakes is modelled with a Beckmann distribution with Beckmann alpha = 0.005. The flake roughness contributes to the overall appearance, and is a useful parameter for artistic control. To the right we provide three regions from the same scene rendered with different Beckmann flake roughness (0.0025, 0.01, 0.04). Small perturbations of the roughness of the flakes completely change the behaviour of the glints. The rendering of such nearly specular surfaces requires some form of filtering, the effect of which is shown in our accompanying video. All the renderings in this figure were done with our proposed normal map filtering algorithm.