During Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 336 to North Pond on the western flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (8 Ma crust) in the late fall of 2011, borehole observatories were installed in IODP Holes U1382A and U1383C and Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 395A. These borehole observatories are designed for long-term (multiyear) coordinated hydrogeological, geochemical, and microbiological monitoring and experimentation to understand the nature of life, fluid flow, and fluid-rock interactions in young and cool oceanic crust. Additional related activities during Expedition 336 included recovery of an instrument string that was deployed within an earlier generation of a circulation obviation retrofit kit (CORK) observatory in Hole 395A and preparation of IODP Hole U1383B, which was drilled, cased, and left open during Expedition 336, for a future deployment of a borehole observatory. A streamlined CORK observatory was deployed in Hole U1383B during a remotely operated vehicle-supported cruise in April 2012. An additional CORK servicing cruise is scheduled for 2013. Here, we summarize the observatory project goals and provide an overview of the design, construction, and deployment of these CORKs and related instrumentation during Expedition 336. We also summarize the project goals, design, and construction for the CORK-lite installation in Hole U1383B and discuss plans for its deployment. CORK servicing plans for 2012 and 2013 also are presented.
Background, motivation, and overview
Subseafloor observatoriesCirculation obviation retrofit kits (CORKs) (Davis et al., 1992) have been used in recent decades to isolate igneous basement from overlying sediments and seawater, allowing the borehole to return to its native hydrological and biogeochemical state . Initially, the principal function of CORKs was to monitor pressure and temperature in situ within single intervals within sealed boreholes (Davis et al., 1992). CORKs have evolved and become increasingly sophisticated, allowing fluid sampling for chemical analyses and biological sampling and experiments, all of which can be conducted at multiple sealed observatory intervals within basaltic basement
K.J. Edwards et al.
Design and deployment of borehole observatories
Proc. IODP | Volume 336 2CORKs have become powerful tools for studying in situ hydrological, geochemical, and biological process in igneous oceanic crust.The principal driver for installation of CORK observatories during Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 336 at North Pond was to study a section of young (8 Ma), cool (<20°C), "average" ridge flank in order to assess the role of microbiological processes in alteration of igneous oceanic crust. These observatories complement ongoing CORK observatory work being conducted in young and warm oceanic crust on the Juan de Fuca Ridge flank but target a crustal end-member that is more representative of global ridge flank conditions. Like the CORKs installed on the Juan de Fuca Ridge flank during IODP Expedition 327 , the Nor...