T h e o p e n -a c c e s s j o u r n a l f o r p h y s i c s Abstract. Time-resolved emissive probe measurements have been performed to study the spatio-temporal development of the plasma potential in an asymmetric bipolar pulsed magnetron discharge. The influence of the substrate potential as well as of the substrate position has been investigated while the further conditions were the same. To access the entire potential range which was between −100 V and + 400 V and to obtain sufficient time-resolution of the emissive probe, different heating currents had to be used. The plasma potential has been found to be typically close to zero in the 'on' phase, about + 40 V in the stable 'off' phase and up to + 400 V at the beginning of the 'off' phase, which is in agreement with the results of other authors. However, the positive values in the 'off' phase are generally lower than those reported and stay mostly below the target potential. This is explained by macroscopic considerations of the quasineutrality of the plasma taking into account a magnetic and geometrical shielding of the target, acting as an anode in the 'off' phase, and the potential and position of the substrate holder and environment.
New Journal of Physics