“…Interestingly, the XRD pattern for the resultant Ni microtubules also showed several small diffraction peaks (marked with short bars in Figure c) at 2 θ of 41.80°, 42.90°, 43.62°, 45.24°, 45.90°, 46.64°, 50.54°, and 52.70°. The corresponding d spacing for these peaks was calculated to be 2.161, 2.108, 2.075, 2.004, 1.977, 1.947, 1.806, and 1.737 Å, which is consistent with the respective d spacing for the (231), (330), (112), (240), (202), (141), (222), and (132) planes of tetragonal Ni 3 P crystallites. 11b, Similar results have been observed previously for Ni electroless plating using the same phosphorus-containing compound of sodium hypophosphite as reducing agent . It is believed that the P resulted from the possible coreduction of sodium hypophosphite with Ni(II) and presented itself in the Ni(0) matrix as a Ni−P solid solution .…”