This paper presents a STEP AP203-214-based machinable volume identifier (MVI) to identify the finish-cut machinable volume in prismatic parts by deducting the rough-machined part from the final part. The MVI provides an intermediate link between rough and finish machining computer-aided process planning system for automatic generation of process plans while machining prismatic parts. To calculate the machinable volumes of manufacturing features, the MVI utilizes the output of the feature identifier which contains the information about the dimensional details, edge loops, edges, vertices, coordinate points, and location planes of the features. In this research, a total of 234 features have been considered; out of which, 32 are normal and 202 are tapered. To calculate the machinable volumes for these features, generalized methodologies are developed for 17 basic feature types, each having a varying number of specific features. Initially, the pattern strings are generated for the front and back face of the rough-machined feature and final feature. Then, MVI uses the predefined syntactic pattern strings stored in the strings database and checks with the generated strings of the feature to determine the shape of the machinable volume stored in the volumes database. After determining the shape, one relevant methodology or more (for features having combination of more than one taper) are selected from among the 17 "feature type" specific methodologies developed for finish-cut machinable volume identification. In this article, methodology is presented for one basic feature type which covers 14 features and explained through one case study. The final output from this module is stored as a text file with full dimensional details of machinable volumes for later use inside the machining planning module. The proposed MVI can be used in Computer Integrated Manufacturing Industries as an intermediate linker to achieve a robust manufacturing environment.