Abstract-Burn-in is usually carried out with high temperature and elevated voltage. Since some of the early-life failures depend not only on high temperature but also on temperature gradients, simply raising up the temperature of an IC is not sufficient to detect them. This is especially true for 3D stacked ICs, since they have usually very large temperature gradients. The efficient detection of these early-life failures requires that specific temperature gradients are enforced as a part of the burn-in process. This paper presents an efficient method to do so by applying high power stimuli to the cores of the IC under burn-in through the test access mechanism. Therefore, no external heating equipment is required. The scheduling of the heating and cooling intervals to achieve the required temperature gradients is based on thermal simulations and is guided by functions derived from a set of thermal equations. Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed method.
I. INTRODUCTIONBurn-in is a common way of accelerating and detecting early-life failures, and should be done with low cost in a reasonably short time. For this purpose, usually the dies are operated at elevated temperature and voltage. The elevated temperature and voltage speed up the aging and wear mechanisms so that the dies experience their early life before testing. The wear mechanisms that are speeded up include metal stress voiding and electromigration, metal slivers bridging shorts, as well as gate-oxide wear-out and breakdown [11].Recently several studies have, however, shown that some wear mechanisms are speeded up more efficiently by large temperature gradient rather than the high temperature itself. A temperaturegradient induced wear mechanism is identified in [12] which shows that a metal layer elevation happens rapidly at the points on the die that are experiencing a large temperature gradient. Moreover, in the atomic flux equation, used to model electromigration, temperature gradient is present directly and also indirectly through its effect on the mechanical-stress gradient [10]. Therefore, a burn-in process that has not created the appropriate thermal scenarios do not sufficiently speed up the formation of the defects that depend on large temperature gradients and consequently such early-life defects will go undetected. In order to prevent these test escapes, it is necessary to introduce a burn-in process that enforces appropriate temperature scenarios on the IC. This necessity is more urgent for the ICs that suffer from large temperature gradients, such as 3D-Stacked ICs (3D-SIC), which have considerably larger temperature gradients compared with 2D ICs (three times is reported in [13]). Moreover, 3D-SIC technology is one of the most promising future technologies [8]. Therefore, in this paper we focus on 3D-SICs. 3D-SIC technology, similar to other deep submicron technologies, suffers from high power densities. Additionally, power densities are considerably higher in the test mode compared to the functional mode, in parti...