Both samples were clear, colorless, transparent and without odor, having soft, pleasant taste, even at the temperature of 80 degrees Fahr., when the experiment was made. They contained a small quantity of pulverulent, rusty sediment, which under the microscope was found to consist of exceedingly minute particles of sand with darker particles of iron. No organic debris was discovered, and only a trace of infusorial life. This water is somewhat similar in its character to that of a rain water which has been shed from a clean roof and has undergone the natural purifying process which takes place during storage in a sound, clean, underground cistern, and as such is fit for all domestic and economic purposes. There are, however, few cistern waters, perhaps none, that are as pure as this water. Its freedom from organic matter is such that I have rarely met with natural water which gives less response to the tests for organic matter. I know of no city which has a water supply as pure as the samples now reported on.