“…However, it is not entirely clear whether these can be used for the full range of possible analytics, known as 'secondary uses', by their respective local ICSs. Guidance from NHS England lists approximately 34 secondary uses covering descriptive, diagnostic, predictive and prescriptive domains: risk stratification for early intervention and prevention (2), managing finances, quality and outcomes (14), planning, implementing and evaluating population health strategy (7), and undertaking research (11). Thus a variety of uses can be generated, ranging from an understanding of population segments associated with high intensity service use, re-identifying patients at risk of rehospitalization in need of multi-faceted care, and helping and evaluating the impact of new population health and preventative services, care pathways and programmes [12-14], generating precise and robust analysis for effective planning and decision making, and answering questions requiring large sample sizes or detailed data on hard-to-reach populations [15].…”