Abstract. Signal digitisation may produce significant effects in balloon -borne or space CMB experiments, when the limited bandwidth for downlink of data requires loss-less data compression. In fact, the data compressibility depends on the quantization step q applied on board by the instrument acquisition chain. In this paper we present a study of the impact of the quantization error in CMB experiments using, as a working case, simulated data from the P/LFI 30 and 100 GHz channels. At TOD level, the effect of the quantization can be approximated as a source of nearly normally distributed noise, with RMS q/ √ 12N s , with deviations from normality becoming relevant for a relatively small number of repeated measures N s < ∼ 20. At map level, the data quantization alters the noise distribution and the expectation of some higher order moments. We find a constant ratio, 1/( √ 12σ/q), between the RMS of the quantization noise and RMS of the instrumental noise, σ over the map ( 0.14 for σ/q 2), while, for σ/q ∼ 2, the bias on the expectation for higher order moments is comparable to their sampling variances. Finally, we find that the quantization introduces a power excess, C ex , that, although related to the instrument and mission parameters, is weakly dependent on the multipole at middle and large and can be quite accurately subtracted. For σ/q 2, the residual uncertainty, ∆C ex , implied by this subtraction is only 1-2% of the RMS uncertainty, ∆C noise , on C sky reconstruction due to the noise power, C noise . Only for < ∼ 30 the quantization removal is less accurate; in fact, the 1/ f noise features, although efficiently removed, increase C noise , ∆C noise , C ex and then ∆C ex ; anyway, at low multipoles C sky ∆C noise > ∆C ex . This work is based on P LFI activities.