In this study, samples of glass-ceramics foam were obtained from granite dust-clay-maize cob composite and chemical additives at low temperature. Effects of the addition of maize cob as the pore-forming agent as well as the chemical additives on the performance properties of the samples of the glass-ceramics foam were investigated. The result of the prepared glass-ceramics foam showed water absorption, apparent porosity, bulk density, compressive strength and thermal conductivity of 25.6-46.7%, 43.5-75%, 1.45-1.9 g/cm 3 , 0.7-9.7 MPa and 0.11-0.53 W/m.K. respectively. The mechanical and thermo-physical properties as well as microstructural properties of the glass-ceramics foam synthesized in this study provide a feasible indicator that the material can be used in promoting green and sustainable buildings.Cite this article as: Odewole PO. Properties of glass-ceramics foam based on granite dustclay-maize cob composite as a sustainable building material.