Active contour, especially in conjunction with priorshape models, has become an important tool in image segmentation. However, most contour methods use shape priors based on similarity-shape analysis, i.e. analysis that is invariant to rotation, translation, and scale. In practice, the training shapes used for prior-shape models may be collected from viewing angles different from those for the test images and require invariance to a larger class of transformation. Using an elastic, affine-invariant shape modeling of planar curves, we propose an active contour algorithm in which the training and test shapes can be at arbitrary affine transformations, and the resulting segmentation is robust to perspective skews. We construct a shape space of affinestandardized curves and derive a statistical model for capturing class-specific shape variability. The active contour is then driven by the true gradient of a total energy composed of a data term, a smoothing term, and an affine-invariant shape-prior term. This framework is demonstrated using a number of examples involving the segmentation of occluded or noisy images of targets subject to perspective skew.