The Deep Water Disposal project was initiated in 1995 with the aim of managing excess water output from the primary facility. The injection into a shared deep formation has resulted in a significant boost to the pressure in nearby fields. This effect can be observed through pressure measurements, which demonstrate that the field was in a state of depletion before the commencement of water disposal. However, the pressure stabilized once stable disposal rates were established. Recently, a decline in nearby fields' pressure has been noticed in response to lower disposal rates. The objective of this study is to evaluate the level of pressure support in adjacent areas resulting from the volume of waste disposal and establish the necessary disposal rate needed to sustain the desired pressures. Ultimately, the goal is to reclassify the relevant portion of deep-water disposal volume as proper water injection, to avoid any unnecessary decommissioning of the disposal wells and hence losing this energy source to the reservoir. This Novel approach of mixing operational and reservoir data deals directly with the topic of voidage replacement, pressure decline, reservoir behavior, impact of deep water disposal and water injection of performance, and conducting simple forecasting methodology that is fit for purpose to come up with practical results to be directly applied in a real life situation.