“…We did this using a custom mapping, variant calling, and local realignment around indels pipeline using bwa-MEM (Li, 2013), samtools mpileup (Li, 2011), and MUSCLE (Edgar, 2004), and then used the resulting whole-genome pseudo alignments to infer phylogenies for each cluster, using gubbins (Croucher et al, 2014), and RAxML, its underlying dependency (Stamatakis, 2014). In order to construct a phylogeny for the entire collection, and also the collection combined with global isolates, we used the newly published panaroo pan-genome pipeline (Tonkin-Hill et al, 2020) to infer a set of core genes for the entire collection. We concatenated alignments of all the core genes, and then used IQ-TREE (Nguyen et al, 2014), with the substitution model, GTR+F+I+G4, inferred by ModelFinder (Kalyaanamoorthy et al, 2017), to infer phylogenies for both the entire Burkina Faso collection and the Burkina Faso collection plus global isolates.…”