For a graph G = (V (G),E(G)), the vertex labeling function is defined as a bijection f : V (G) → {1, 2, . . . , |V (G)|} such that an edge uv is assigned the label 1 if one f(u) or f(v) divides the other and 0 otherwise. f is called divisor cordial labeling of graph G if the number of edges labeled with 0 and the number of edges labeled with 1 differ by at most 1. In 2011, Varatharajan et al. [24] have introduced divisor cordial labeling as a variant of cordial labeling. In this paper, we study divisor cordial labeling for triangular snake and quadrilateral snake. Moreover, we investigate divisor cordial labeling for the degree splitting graph of path, shell, cycle with one chord, crown and comb graph.