Bertrand and Cournot model are the main frameworks in the analysis of oligopolistic competition. The outcomes from them are however different. Using a simultaneous-move two-stage game, this article shows that, in a homogeneous product market with fairly general demand, the Bertrand outcomes can be achieved by a combination of divisionalisation and ensuing Cournot competition. This ®nding can be viewed as an extension to or complements of Kreps and Scheinkman (1983), who show that Cournot outcomes can be achieved by quantity precommitment and Bertrand competition.
I. I n t ro d u c t i o nCournot and Bertrand models have been and still are the two main tools in oligopolistic analysis. Outcomes of competition can however be signi®cantly different depending on which model is used. This prompts a long and intense debate on the relative appropriateness of the behavioural assumptions in these models. With the help of game theory, Kreps and Scheinkman (1983) take a different approach to this problem. They try to investigate the connection between the Cournot and Bertrand model. They show that under some mild conditions, a two-stage game in which ®rms choose capacity in the ®rst stage and prices in the second stage yields the Cournot outcomes, where ®rms choose quantity simultaneously.This article is an effort to extend the well-known ®ndings in Kreps and Scheinkman (1983). We intend to show that, with a richer strategy space, a game involved Cournot competition can generate the Bertrand outcomes. More speci®cally, we consider a two-stage simultaneous-move oligopoly game of divisionalisation and Cournot competition. Games of this sort are familiar in the literature (see Polasky (1992), and Baye et al (1996), and Yuan (1999, for example). These games can be described as follows: suppose there are initially m ®rms supplying a single homogeneous product. In the ®rst stage, ®rms simultaneously make a market structure decision on whether to divide themselves into independent operating à I am greatly indebted to Guofu Tan for his advice and supervision. I thank Kenneth Hendricks, Aiden Hollis, Margaret Slade and two anonymous referees for their valuable comments and suggestions.