Paper aims: Apply a framework for characterizing a product-service system (PSS) from a life cycle and sustainability perspective.Originality: Although the literature on the topic has evolved, there is still limited practical guidance on how to characterize a PSS. The paper contributes by applying a framework in PSS types.Research method: A proposed conceptual framework was applied to characterize a PSS. This framework was assessed by experts, from which responses were statistically analyzed. Then, it was applied in three PSS types (bike sharing, water purifier rental, and car sharing).
Main findings:The initial result is the consolidation of the framework through statistical analysis. Then, its application in the three PSS types was able to spot the stages of the life cycle that each PSS focuses on most. Specifically for the water purifier, the most focused steps were 'development' and 'implementation', demonstrating efficient strategic planning and a commitment to meeting customer needs.
Implications for theory and practice:This study contributes to calls for more research and guidance into the PSS application. From a practical perspective, it may support product and systems designers by shedding light on the conceptual elements of PSS offerings.