Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is tuberous roots, drought tolerant, which is high in carbohydrate content and a cheap source of food. However it needs removal of toxic substance which is called hydrogen cyanide (HCN) which can be easily removed. There are two types of common preparation methods, preparing it by drying it in the sun and preparing it by boiling. Removing toxic cyanide by drying is less effective, however boiling is better method of removing cyanide from cassava roots. Cassava is used as a raw material in different food industries. In Ethiopia, there is cassava processing industry around Addis Ababa located at Dukem area. There are different trends of cassava based recipe preparations. Especially in Ethiopia there are exotic cassava based recipe items. Some of the trends in Ethiopia as formulated by Jimma Agricultural Research Center are; cassava bread with different flour compositions, cassava with corn flour composite recipe, cassava with teff flour composite recipe, Cassava syrup stew, Cassava porridge, Cassava biscuits and so on are exotic recipe with good sensorial values and proximate compositions. Due to its drought tolerant nature and nutritional excellence; cassava production, utilization and popularization is best strategy for food system resilience in the world wide.